After over 30 hours of traveling and $30 of airport food, I have finally made it to Australia! Believe it or not, I didn't think the flights were bad at all so if you were debating coming and visiting me, do it! I promise the flights weren't terrible!

I have been here for about 48 hours now and let me just say that it is a HUGE culture shock. The first thing I noticed was how SLOW people move in an airport, versus Boston where everyone seems to have a pep in their step. Other wise I've met some pretty friendly Australians, and I'm hoping their accents will rub off on me (but they probably won't). I thought that traveling to somewhere that speaks English would be easy, but between the accent and the funny terms they use, it is practically like they speak a different language- not to mention everything is abbreviated.

Of course one of the first things on my agenda was to go to a bar because 18 years old is legal here, so I make the cut! Handing the bouncer, bar tender or clerk at the liquor store my ID and them just accepting it with a smile has been a very satisfying feeling, mature even.

It's funny how Americans are viewed here. We are seen as loud, crazy and definitely a little obnoxious. A number of times now I have caught my friends and I being stared at in the grocery store or Maccas (McDonalds) due to our loudness. 

And here's one of my favorite things so far- in Australia it is not required to tip like it is in America! AKA the only way I'll be saving money here for the next 5 months...